Fire pit with campfire twist bread every Tuesday from 4 to 6:30 pm at Herrfurth Platz. Meet your neighbors at the fire pit and exchange ideas while roasting twist bread.
Common dinner with neighbors ever Thursday from 5 to 7 pm at the gelbe Ecke (Parkplatz Schillerpromenade/Allerstr.). Afterwards there is food distribution of saved foods trhough our cooperation partner Foodsharing.

Whether if it’s Tag der Nachbarschaft (Day of the neighborhood), Winter market or Erzählfestival, every year we host different celebrations for and with the neighborhood, offering arts and culture.
You can find all information regarding the Erzählfestival here: : www.erzaehlfestival.de

Every Thursday from 3 to 5 pm in our Kiezladen L12 and from 5 to 9 pm, at the gelbe Ecke (Parkplatz Schillerpromenade/Allerstr.) we offer open consultation without an appointment.
Every Saturday from 5 to 7 pm there is a soup kitchen with free warm food and exchange at the gelbe Ecke (Parkplatz Schillerpromenade/Allerstr.).

in the Kiez
Whether during the organization and execution of the neighborhood flea market, the food distribution at the soup kitchen or the kiez clean-up. Team Mitmachen (Team Participation) is always grateful for helping hands and supports neu initiatives in the Kiez, during implementation of their ideas.
For non-commercial use we also offer our Kiezladen L12 as a space for communal thinking and creating, free of charge.