Team Begegnung
Our team is a colorful as our neighborhood. We all have different professional backgrounds and realities of life; we actively include our different perspectives into our work. Besides German, we also speak English, Portuguese, Arabic, Turkish, Spanish, and French.
You can reach us here: :

Team Mitmachen
Our Mitmachkoordinatorin (Participation Coordination) Jana is new in the interkular Team and will build on the Team Mitmachen and fill it up with action, in the coming weeks and months. You want to participate? Then reach out via: Subject: Mitmachen
The district coordination is the bridge between the district administration of Neukölln, the residents and local initiatives and businesses. It collects information about the happenings in the Kiez and mediates between the district administration and the locals. So feel free to invite our district coordinator to networking rounds and speak to them when you need support during the realization or visualization of local topics. You can reach our district coordinator here: