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Reading/Listening Group

16. Februar 2024 | 19:00 - 21:00

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Eine Veranstaltung, die im Abstand von 2 Woche(n) um 19:00 Uhr am Freitag stattfindet und bis zum 16. Februar 2024 wiederholt wird.

„Reading/Listening“ is a new English-language reading group in Berlin. It is held on the 1. and 3. Friday of every month. The aim of the group is to bring people together to discuss „Long Read“ articles and other forms of criticism, analysis and journalism. We also discuss music albums. Together we aim to get through our overly long „to read“ lists! The meetings are held at the Nachbarschaftstreff Schillerkiez and for more information visit


16. Februar 2024
19:00 - 21:00
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Nachbarschaftstreff Schillerkiez
Mahlower Str. 27 12049 Berlin
Berlin, Deutschland
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