teilbar – Englisch


to teilbar
your lending library at the neighborhood center Kiezbegegnung

teilbar – exchanging, lending, sharing for a sustainable neighborhood

The time has come: On October 11, 2024, we will open our lending library teilbar at Warthestraße 73.

But what exactly is a lending library?

A lending library works similarly to a regular library, but instead of books, you borrow things that you don’t need on a daily basis. From tools to popcorn machines to wagons, anything could be included.

Starting in October, our teilbar will begin lending the first items to the neighborhood. In addition, there will soon be various offerings and information on topics like repairs and sustainable neighborhood living.

With this project, we want to show that many things can be shared, and that sharing has many benefits:

  • Sharing protects the environment.
  • Sharing saves space.
  • Sharing saves money.
  • Sharing connects people.

So, why buy something new when you can borrow it?

The teilbar is funded through the EFRE program Europa im Quartier of the Senatsverwaltung for Urban Development, Building, and Housing.

The items for lending

Before the opening, we asked you which items you’d like to borrow, and about 150 neighbors responded. Thank you for that!

From your needs, we’ve developed an initial wish list, and we’re now gradually acquiring the items. We’re starting small and will grow over time. Since we aim to be as sustainable as possible and our budget is limited, we’re obtaining many things secondhand and also rely on donations.

Currently, our wish list mainly includes items from the following categories:

Tools – e.g., drill, cable detector, bit set, hammer
Travel & Camping – e.g., tent, travel backpack, cooler bag, suitcase
Leisure – e.g., Kubb (Viking chess), table tennis paddles, boules set, kite
Household – e.g., ladder, sewing machine, folding ruler, extension cord
Kitchen – e.g., blender, pump pot, juicer, large pots

Feel free to reach out if you have anything to donate.

Important: Since our storage space is limited, we cannot accept all donations. We ask for your understanding.

What we cannot accept for now are:

Books and print media
Clothing and textiles
Furniture and other bulky items
Board games and other children’s toys

We’re happy to help you find other places to donate those items.

Time and material donations

To get teilbar up and running as quickly as possible, we depend on your time and material donations.

Material donations: If you have items or devices at home that you rarely use, feel free to share them with your neighborhood by donating them to teilbar. If you ever need the item again, simply borrow it! This way, you save space and do something good for your neighborhood at the same time.

Important: Before bringing anything in, please check if the items are working and clean. If you’re unsure whether your donation is needed, send us a quick email. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Donation drop-off: Wednesdays from 4-6 pm or by appointment.

Time donations: For teilbar to function sustainably, we need people who actively participate. Can you imagine helping with lending shifts, organizing, or do you have knowledge about repairs and upcycling? Maybe you have other ideas or just want to be involved? Then get in touch with us!

Online database – coming soon!

We’re currently working on setting up an online database, where you’ll soon be able to browse our inventory and reserve items.

Stay tuned!

logo teilbar mit claim claim: tauschen leihen teilen


If you have questions about getting involved, donating, or anything else, you can reach us at:

030 6292 9860


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